Various Scientific Products :
Microscopes : The light microscope is an instrument that is available to almost everyone. For a reasonable price you can obtain a good instrument. The following pages introduce you to the world of the microscope. You will get information about the instrument and about the subjects you can study through the microscope
Nano Technology Instruments :
Nano Technology : Manufactured products are made from atoms. The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged. If we rearrange the atoms in coal we can make diamond. If we rearrange the atoms in sand (and add a few other trace elements) we can make computer chips. If we rearrange the atoms in dirt, water and air we can make potatoes.
Todays manufacturing methods are very crude at the molecular level. Casting, grinding, milling and even lithography move atoms in great thundering statistical herds. It's like trying to make things out of LEGO blocks with boxing gloves on your hands. Yes, you can push the LEGO blocks into great heaps and pile them up, but you can't really snap them together the way you'd like.